Category Archives: Uncategorized



I went to a paint party today.  I didn’t know what to expect and was nervous about doing a good job on the painting.  Well…it’s not perfect, but I had a GREAT time!!!  I was just lost in the painting. I can’t believe how quickly two hours can go by.  Think I may have just found a new hobby. 🙂


“My Girls”

A happy thing


May not be a big deal to some for me this was HUGE!!!! I dropped my middle daughter of for a night at the bouncy place and went to the neighboring shoe store. I came out with two pairs of shoes and two purses!!!! Big deal, you say?? Why YES, yes it is!!! I rarely do anything remotely like that. To top it all off, the shoes were cheaper than I thought, so I got all four things for the price I thought I would be paying for just the shoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Seriously, it IS the “little things” that can be so uplifting and fun. I haven’t been allowing myself to experience much in the way of “little things” lately. It was really nice to get so giddy over something so silly. 🙂



I had something happen to me today that was both bad and good at the same time. I accidentally overheard someone say something about me that was negative and it really hurt my feelings. The thing is, it was true!! OUCH!! I know that I can’t expect everyone to think positively about me all of the time. But, I sure do want it to be as much as possible. It’s definitely not the way I wanted to find out, but, I am glad to know. After a bit of a cry, I decided that this will help me get back on track. I’ve really been letting circumstances get in the way of doing the things I want and like to do. Time to get back to finding me again!! 🙂

Numero Uno!


Sooo…I know a lot of people who have blogs and I’ve always wanted to start one.  I kept telling myself that I’d do it eventually.  Well, eventually is here!!  Not really sure what direction this blog is going take and that doesn’t really surprise me…afterall, I have a spaghetti brain!! 🙂 (I love smileys)